2020 Running Goals

So 2019 has been a very good year for me in terms of running achievements. Closing out the year with PB’s in all 4 of the distances I’ve raced in (and finally ending the PB dry spell in the 10K, which stood since 2015!)

This has given me a very good starting point for my 2020 running goals, all of which seem to be pretty achievable, considering what has been done in 2019 with a bit if persistence and commitment.

Hopefully, with some rest, I can get over the knee niggle I posted here, and get back into a decent training block at the start of 2020.

Half Marathon – Sub 78 Minutes

I’ve already got Retford Half Marathon and Sheffield Half Marathon booked in for March 2020, which gives me 16 weeks starting from 9th December to get a solid training block in.

10K – Sub 35 Minutes

Currently have the Sheffield 10K booked in September 2020, which is still quite a way out, but will allow me to focus on the Half Marathon for the first quarter of the year, and allow for a bit of switch up to shorter distance during the summer months.

5K – 17:00

Having hit 5K during my 10K races at 17:27, a focused 5K race should see ~17 minutes being achievable, knowing I’ve not got twice the distance to cover.

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