Inaugural Loxley Lash

This is the first “test” event of the Loxley Lash 5KM which Sheffield Running Club are looking to put on during the Summer months of 2019.

A post was made on the running clubs Facebook page, and there was a good level of interest from members.

On the morning, the weather seemed ideal, nice and cool, pretty still, and no rain………until around 10:30 when it started to rain.

Upon arrival, several club members were already there, and were testing the lap of the course with their various GPS watches to see if it was indeed a 1KM lap. I use a Garmin Fenix 5, on standard GPS settings. I recorded this at exactly 1KM.

A few warm-up strides later, it was 11am, and it was time to start. Luckily, the rain had subsided, resulting again in almost perfect conditions.

Chris Ireland was pacing a 20 minute 5K, giving most people there something to aim to beat, as the almost flat course was looking to be a PB event.

For me, the first last felt excellent, nice and fast, and able to keep chase with Rob. 2nd KM felt equally as good, but on the 3rd, the slight incline after the start / finish began to take it’s toll, and my pace gradually dropped off. I could see Rob edging away, with his very consistent lap times. The 4th KM was my slowest, down 16 seconds from the first KM. I managed to pull some page back on the last KM, crossing the line in 17 minutes and 47 seconds.
This was a 5K race PB for me by almost 25 seconds, so utterly thrilled with the time. It was also the first time I’d raced in the Nike Zoom Fly Flyknit’s which felt fantastic at speed.

Below is the full list of results, and some excellent times from all involved.

Bruno and Adam arrived slightly later, so ran their own separate event, both posting excellent times.

We have someone coming to perform an official measurement on the course, so all being well, the 6th July will be the next event and opened out to other clubs.

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